Let's play! "TSL Engineer bag's Colorist"

Let's play! "TSL Engineer bag's Colorist"

Hello! How is everybody? It is hard to keep a positive spirit in these difficult pandemic times. But there is nothing else we can do than cooperate, keep a healthy lifestyle and don't give up on our dreams.

One thing that can help to keep a positive attitude is to have some fun and enjoy the little things. Something that is really working for me is playing with stationery. The joy of using stickers, masking tape, stamps, colorful markers, etc. to make beautiful pages on my Traveler's Notebook takes my brain to another world were I forget all the world problems and daily issues that load us with lots of stress. Those minutes when I scape from reality are a good coping mechanism for the hard times we are living.

This is why we decided to organize some games to play together and have some fun! "TSL Engineer bag's Colorist" is a game where you can create your own design of the Engineer bag by coloring the postcard that Wanderlust by T.S.L has been adding in your orders as a little gift.

Have fun coloring the canvas and one, two or three stripes of paint with your original color combo or go wild and even design a pattern for the canvas. Imagination and creativity has not limits!

Share your fun creations on Instagram tagging:
and using the hashtag #tslengineerbagscolorist

Let's play together!!!



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